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🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
Awfully thin, not condensed knowledge is presented in the book. Simple ideas, that hasn’t been properly elaborated on. I honestly don’t know what value could be drawn from it. But maybe during open discussion something will emerge. Will see.
🎨 Impressions
Weak and simple. Nothing new to me and interesting.
How I Discovered It
DoDo offered it as another topic in book club meeting.
Who Should Read It?
Those who are fresh in management, and just got themselves into advanced positions in company hierarchy.
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
How my life / behaviour / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
Nothing to quote.
📒 Ideas
- Don’t just read books about successful successes, written by famous people, also listen to them.
- Accounts in the book and how it had been in life, two different things.
- Management is science, there is logic to it.
- Missing the logic of it can lead to undesirable consequences.
Knowledge of few principles frees you from knowing many facts.
- There are those who puts hands on the task and those who manages the process from above.
- There is a difference between perpetrator and manager, the person who controls.
- [[Оргуправленческое мышление]] there is the border between one and another that is set in colors.
- Owner is not afraid of aftermaths of his decision, it gives him absolute freedom to make unpopular decision.
- Kahneman brilliantly showed it, his experiment with 25 managers and 1 owner.
- Managers are paid for decisions they make, not revenue they generate, it’s a paradox not all understand.
- Did you analyze your decisions?
- The result is just the effect of prior decision.
- The most useful managers are tactical managers, those who work with the ground and are in business with customers.
- On tasking. The author provides the process of goal setting and making a list of tasks.
- I don’t agree with him. His examples are too vague. They are devoid of purpose and not goal oriented.
- Such tasks only confuse, they don’t prompt action.
«Например: «Необходимо сделать 25 холодных звонков по новой клиентской базе, которую мы вчера купили». Или другая ситуация: «Составь, пожалуйста, задание для новых сотрудников, чтобы в него были включены все этапы продаж. В каждом задании необходимы ошибки, чтобы сотрудник смог их увидеть. В конце обязательно сделай цифровой тест».»
- Print the new client’s base, find contacts that you already know, make inquiries about companies you are interested in. Make a short list of promising leads, etc.
- Not just you need to make 25 cold calls. It’s not the task just wishful thinking that it could be done.
- Dettmer and Dorefeev write about that exactly.
- About control. Why hire those who need to be controlled?
- If a manager demands control from outside, he isn’t a manager.
- How control is organized in DoDo?
- Thinking is an operational system that allow us perceive the reality for what it really is.
- Lets talk about thinking and categories.
- Decision thinking.
- Improvement thinking. TOC, the best way to exploit this kind of thinking.
- Think in result categories. But is it ok? Or just means that we make decision with a goal in mind?
- Think like a head or chief.
- Keep your locus control in check.
- If something happens that has not been planned, look inside yourself, not outside. People with inward locus look at themselves, with outward locus blame the others.
- [[Mindset]] Flexible mindset if important here.
- Proactive thinking, the most needed mode in modern management as far as I can tell.
- Be a grown up. Accept responsibility.
- Not average marks for kids on the ground. I had the same approach, usually three explanatory notes, and we say farewell with this person.
- Think principally, not factually.
- Believe in what you do, seethe positive side.
- Lets talk about thinking and categories.
- Don’t come with problem, come with solution.
- That’s a mistake. A problem must be considered from all sides and then a solution proposed.
- If the manager can’t do it, you’ll end up with poor solution and weak decisions.
- [[Harry Potter and the methods of rationality#Chapter 25 Hold off on Proposing a solution]]
- Money is not the measure of success, it’s a tool for achieving goals.
- If money is not the most important, then what?
- [[Antifragile book 6#^0e8afd]] Nasim Taleb’s notion of fuck you money.
- Don’t ask question you know the answers to.
- You show bad attitude towards your employees.
- Looks like an attempt and humiliating.
- Breaking the status-quo is essential for any organizational changes.
- Without onboarding the team, and clearly explaining them WHY and HOW this venture deemed to fail.
- [[Changing the Status Quo]]
- Later in a book Kostya references to Deming’s approach to implement systematic changes, but fails to address the question of overcoming status-quo, though there is one.
- The short explanation why people against any changes, they are functioning on the lowest level of growth and highest of security.
- For their professional position. We rarely think about growth if a well-being at risk.
- Change introduces risk.
- Decision and choice.
- The author often confuses one with another and because of this is stays unclear what a choice is, how to reach a decision.
- I think it’s a fair point of discussion along with motivation, it perfectly matches the previous point.
- Motivation for change. There is a catch, in order to overcome the status-quo we have to provide the sense of belongingness and responsibility.
- And it could be achieved only through intrinsic motivation, not external.
- Motivation doesn’t equal quality. Beware of mixing one with another.
- If you give a person more money or better social package, he will work longer. But will he work accordingly to money he gets?
- Not always.
- Four point of interview.
- Can you work on higher professional standards?
- How he is motivated to work? Does he understand positive and negative sides of working in the company?
- Governability. How well is he suited to be managed?
- Personality and subculture. Will he feel himself in his cup of tea?
- According to what standards your HR decides who to hire and whom not?
- At the end of the chapter he provides a list of what to do and what not to do.
- One point is to hire a person whose advantages not to overweight his disadvantages.
- My advice to hire a person with opposite qualities. Disavantages slightly overweight advantages.
- Gives you an opportunity to work without possibility to upset yourself from understanding that a hired star is just an ordinary man.
- On good communication.
- Goal and structure. How to deliver a message, so it could be heard?
- This is a hell pit in any company. Good communication is an art.
- In Ancient Greek it used to be taught, now we just talk and hope for the best.
- ![[How to speak How to listen#Rhetoric by Aristotle]]
- How to fight a status-quo in a company.
- When a new process is implementing, the first reaction is opposition.
- In order to overcome this opposition, you need to enlighten staff why new is better than old.
- Let’s talk about how to overcome the status Quo in any organization.
- [[Changing the Status Quo]]
- Changing processes the author touches the topic of process changing and implementation superficially.
- Which is bad. You can learn anything new from it.
- It’s awfully bad. Harmful, I might say.
- He speculates about digging to the core reason of something bad without saying how to do it. A seller of success does this.
- What if I told you, that there is a tool to analyze processes?
- Start with [[Intermediate Objectives map]] and follow all the steps in classical TOC manner.
- What is the key constraint in your business?
- For what any top manager earns his bread?
- For decision-making?
- Responsibility?
- No! For architecting processes.
- Doing it from above.
- [[Оргуправленческое мышление]]
- You are and architect of your company.
- Top manager manage activities and processes.