ВАЖНО ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ. Это просто рабочие заметки со встречи, им еще предстоит трансформироваться в какую-то методику. Я думаю на английском, поэтому и текст на английском. Конечная методика будет на русском.
- First introduction part, during which we’ve got to know each other.
- Write your interests on peaces of paper. A group, works on one paper. No more than three people.
- Pass the list of your interest to the next group. Your page should make a full circle.
- During this trip, children mark shared interests.
- In one sentence describe the group, use noun, verb and adjectives it is an absolute must.
- Next stage: expectations. List all expectation you have for this club.
- I don’t remember the details, but out of 7 members we’ve squeezed 13 points.
- Second part is all about what we’ll do, how we’ll communicate and share out thoughts.
- Bookfit.
- Bot.
- Buddy.
- Miro.
- Workshops.
- Meetings.
- Books and skills.
- What we will learn and practice during our meetings.
- Part with naming, the funniest one.
- You know the results. 🙂
- Three stage, we make a list of all names that come to mind.
- Then we do it again for the same amount of time.
- Then the third time, but for one minute less.
- Second stage of naming – choosing best name from the list of the group sitting next to you.
- We arrange all the names on the board and begin voting, augmented reality, miro on the white wall and stickers.