Ten Days in a Mad-House | Nellie Bly
🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
- Simple and easy book about changing the system.
🎨 Impressions
How I Discovered It
Who Should Read It?
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
How my life / behaviour / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
📒 Ideas
- Nellie risked her life and well-being and voluntarily locked herself in the Bellue, where she carefully documented all misdeeds of the staff. [[Harry Potter and the methods of rationality#^b59c51]]
- Later she published her work in the series of the articles in the local paper.
- Investigation had sparked the public interest to the establishment where people were regularly tortured, abused.
- Some misconduction has stopped, some continued.
- I, think that she did it not because she genuinely wanted to help poor people, but mostly to help herself and other women of that time.
- She wished to improve the status of the women in the USA, and this she achieved.
- In Russia, we don’t understand this problem because we don’t have it.
- We search for collaboration and reciprocal beneficial relationship between men and women. We don’t understand parasitic lifestyle, though it is promoted with different means such as liberalistic worldview.
- [[Менеджмент по Суворову — Вячеслав Летуновский#Liberalism is a form of traitorism]]
- We search for collaboration and reciprocal beneficial relationship between men and women. We don’t understand parasitic lifestyle, though it is promoted with different means such as liberalistic worldview.