Hodge your weest | Shut up | /hɒdʒ jɔːr wi:st/ |
Backy | Tobacco, either chewing or smoking | /ˈbaki/ |
Trolley | Shopping cart | /ˈtrɒli/ |
Bevy | Drink | /ˈbɛvi/ |
Airbage | Fart | /ˈɛər.bæg/ |
Ball bag | Scrotum or derogatory term meaning «you’re an idiot» | /bɔːl bæg/ |
Steaming | Very drunk | /ˈstiː.mɪŋ/ |
Wee bit | A little amount | /wi: bɪt/ |
God yourself! | Go on, you can do this (encouragement) | /ɡɒd jɔːrˌsɛlf/ |
Bum’s out the windy | Talking nonsense | /bʌmz aʊt ðə ˈwɪndi/ |
Bonnie | Lovely, beautiful, sweet | /ˈbɒni/ |
Messages | Groceries or shopping | /ˈmɛsɪdʒɪz/ |
Tatties | Potatoes | /ˈtatiːz/ |
Peely Wally | Pale | /ˈpi:li ˈwali/ |
Fizzy juice | Soda | /ˈfɪzi dʒu:s/ |
Jobby | Feces, poop | /ˈdʒɒbi/ |
Scran | Food | /skran/ |
Hogmanay | New Year’s Eve | /hɒgˈmæneɪ/ |
Pure Barry | That’s brilliant (can be sarcastic) | /pjʊər ˈbæri/ |
Rank | Disgusting | /ræŋk/ |
I dinnae ken | I don’t know | /aɪ ˈdɪ.neɪ kɛn/ |
Off your trolley | You’re out of your mind; very drunk | /ɒf jɔːr ˈtrɒli/ |