Искусство правильно мыслить | Александр Ивин
🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
Nice intro to [[Argumentation Theory]]
🎨 Impressions
The most interesting chapters are: 7,10 and 12
How I Discovered It
[[Максим Дорофеев]] sent the book during one of our research interaction on the topic of logic and joint preparation to [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]]
Who Should Read It?
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
How my life / behaviour / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
📒 Ideas
About premises
- Valid premises do not guarantee the validity of the whole argument. [[Critical thinking#^0e9d67]]
- They only increase chances for the validity of the argument.
- The more unexpected consequences a proved to be true, the stronger argument they provide for the topic of the argument.
Proof of conditions
- Situations where proving is in not appliable must be avoided.
- Thought sometime they cannot be proved only at the current level of technology or knowledge.
- It doesn’t mean that they won’t be proved sometime in the future.
- Theoretical validation could be done by applying the theory to the wide range of objects.
- Ok, we say that PKM is great, by whose standards?
- If so, then PKM great not only in personal context but in wide range of domains.
- Education.
- Business.
- Science.
- What else?
- Proving validity of an initial statement in other domains, we can substantially increase the significance of a new theory or idea.
- An isolated theory or approach stand out as something exceptional rather than innovative and worth trying.
Simplicity rule
- No need for too complex explanation and theoretical justification.
- The simpler, the better. [[Critical thinking#Occam’s razor principle]]
- New condition must be aligned with existing condition, that has been proved scientifically
- Though it is preferably, but not compulsory.
- The same could be said about our [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]], the simpler, the better.
- The same with because part of logical reasoning we are teaching.
Practical knowledge
- Or the knowledge of a man who practices what he preaches, is seen differently.
- It’s a special type of knowledge, self-sufficient.
- It’s aimed at a specific situation and requires attention to the context and condition in all it’s numerous variations.
- Life is built not from theoretical knowledge, but from a devised solution, applied to a specific problem, that has arisen under certain conditions in a unique context.
- Tinkering VS Theoretical knowledge.
- [[Antifragile books 4 and 5#^b5d025]]
- Practical knowledge is a permanent correction of beliefs to new conditions.
- It is an adaptability work of truly new principles.
Habituality rule
- Stick to the old guns.
- Avoid innovation where it could be avoided.
- But not all innovation, only unsupported ones.
- The ideal object in logical thinking, we should explain the phenomenon with existing tools and not invent new ones.
- Although, invention absolutely justified if there is no other way around the problem.
- [[a tool for conflict resolution Evaporating cloud]] is in a sense the same.
- Bryzgalova said exactly this when she was looking at my EC
- Evaporating Cloud Rustam
- The best solution is the one where we don’t need to resolve the conflict.
- Conflict is avoided with different approach to the problem.
[!NOTE] Explanation and Understanding
- To explain something is to infer from existing truths.
- To understand something is to infer from accepted evaluations.
What does it mean to explain
- To align something with already existing.
- Theory to the rule, it can use as a basis for further inquiries.
- But in that case, what could be said about things that so innovative that have to create a set of rules for them?
- I can agree that it happens quite rarely, but nonetheless it might happen.
- Ok, if we step aside from rules, theories, and science and dive into the domain of ordinary life.
- What happens on the level of in-between human interactions.
- Or on the level of self explanation.
- Like we do in our course [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]]
- At the core, through question if…, then…, in order to do …, we must…, I want this… because.
- And next sequence questions: because, and what else, and how else. We are looking for an explanation.
- The depth of explanation correlates with the depth and complexity of the theory, rule, and problem.
- [[Critical thinking#The core of good explanation]]
- Lots of great ideas are covered by Deustsch in [[The Fabric of Reality — David Deutsch]]
- To explain something is to infer from existing truths.
Understanding is not what it is
- But what it has to be.
- When we explain some phenomenon, even to ourselves, usually we are describing the things the way they are, instead of looking in a different direction.
- As some said, look not the way the arrow points.
- [[The Fabric of Reality — David Deutsch#Solidness demands understanding]]
- Feynman also wrote a lot about understanding [[Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman Adventures of a Curious Character]] look there through search of the word
- Understanding is the process of matching certain phenomenon or theory or a problem to an explanation.
- Common caveat is that we tend to fall to description, but it’s not understanding.
- Understanding happens when, through what it is, we know what it must be.
- There are two types of understanding.
- Strong.
- Deductive inference. Where one of the premises is:
- A common evaluation: Tragedy must invoke a catharsis.
- Another one is a statement about initial condition: Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” is a tragedy.
- In a conclusion common evaluation spread over a special case, thus reaching an understanding why certain object must have certain qualities.
- Deductive inference. Where one of the premises is:
- Weak.
- Plausible inference.
- The first premise speaks about means that are needed to get a result: If we start a fire in the hearth of the house, then it will be warm.
- The second premise is an opinion statement, that presents the result as a goal and in the process changing cause and effect into goal – mean: A home must be warm.
- In a conclusion, this type of understanding describes the action which is required to achieve the goal.
- Weak understanding is a goal-oriented understanding.
- Goal-oriented understanding presents in details connection between goals, values, and actions.
- In this case, to know a person is to know the goal the hoped to achieve through specific action he has taken.
- Plausible inference.
- Beware of weak understanding because it doesn’t have long-standing resilience to changing conditions and different environments.
- Common mistake in habits verbalization is the same, we tend to set a goal, which is good in a short run, but bad for lifelong habits.
- [[Atomic Habits#System oriented habits]]
- The same could be stated for a goal in [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]], it mustn’t be a weak understanding, but to be fulfilled it has to be a strong one.
- Common mistake in habits verbalization is the same, we tend to set a goal, which is good in a short run, but bad for lifelong habits.
- Strong.
- To understand something is to infer from accepted evaluations.
- There are three layers of understanding.
- Understanding actions of human being (agent of change), the origin of his behaviour.
- Understanding of nature.
- Understanding of language representation, plain text.
Theory of Argumentation
- Logical next step logical thinking has made in the course of it’s evolution.
- I think that it is what we really are looking with Maxim for our [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]]
- According to Ivin the argumentation theory is the key to the problem of justification the reasoning behind the logic. [[Argumentation Theory]]
- It’s not in a sense appliable logic because it speaks about things that are not directly related to logic.
- I think it speaks primarily about linguistics.
- To understand the source, read Aristotle’s “Rhetoric”
- [[How to speak How to listen#^cad737]]
Argumentation theory based on smart inquiries
- The same approach used by Socrates, through question he had been seeking truth.
- It is also a groundwork of problem-based learning
- [[Проблемное обучение]]
- [[How to Think Like a Roman Emperor — Donald J Robertson#The major question of a man]]
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