Understanding is the process of matching certain phenomenon or theory of problem to an explanation.
Common caveat is that we tend to fall to description, though it’s not understanding.
Understanding happens when, through what we see, we know what must be.
There are two types of understanding.
Deductive inference. Where one of the premises is:
A common evaluation: Tragedy must invoke a catharsis.
Another one is a statement about initial condition: Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” is a tragedy.
In a conclusion, common evaluation spread over a special case, thus getting to understanding why certain object must have certain qualities.
Plausible inference.
The first premise speaks about means that are needed to get a result: If we start a fire in the house, then it will be warm.
The second premise is an opinion statement, that presents the result as a goal and in the process changes cause and effect into goal – mean: A home must be warm.
In a conclusion, this type of understanding describes the action which is required to achieve the goal.
Weak understanding is a goal-oriented understanding.
Beware of weak understanding because it doesn’t have long-standing resilience to changing conditions and different environments.
Common mistake in habits verbalization is the same, we tend to set a goal, which is good in a short run, but bad for lifelong habits.
The same could be stated about a goal in [[Logical thinking tools in Jedi]], it mustn’t be a weak understanding, but to be fulfilled it has to be a strong one.