Эта странная жизнь | Даниил Гранин
🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences
Polar opinions make this book even funnier to read. Why a person could need such a record system? That the question I would like to find the answer. Lets roll.
🎨 Impressions
How I Discovered It
Who Should Read It?
☘️ How the Book Changed Me
How my life / behaviour / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book.
✍️ My Top 3 Quotes
The higher scientific prestige, the more interesting ethical level of a scientist
To know somebody means to reach his contradiction.
To know doesn’t mean you can explain. To know and to understand are different things altogether.Life is rushing if we procrastinate.
📒 Ideas
Deep meta knowledge
- Is usually born not from unsystematic reading, but through concentrated effort.
- Effort aimed at understanding and development of own ideas about everything.
- Lubishev thought that he is from specific lot, whose photo you can take only from back, due to constant focused work, he was exposed to.
- [[Deep Work#^51be9d]] explains the necessity of focus work at length
- Somehow it changes your work, think and act, actually it changed the quality of life.
- A student of mine, tried recently the no notification approach and kept his phone inside the table, and says after that the quality of his work changed along with the condition of his mind state.
Attutitude towards work: it must contrubute to the genereal improvement of humanity expressed through victory of spirit over material.
On Journaling
- [[The Art of Journaling How To Start Journaling, Benefits of Journaling, and More]]
- A pinch of wisdom from Lubishev.
- The art of journaling and note-taking, demands only honesty, thoughtfulness, and will.
- Most of the time, writing beautifully only comes into the way of impassioned observer.
- [[my note-taking system#Elements of note-taking system]]
Paradox of the lack of time
- With advances we have achieved it digital space, time should become abundant.
- But the reversed trend is unfolding.
- The faster and more sophisticated gadgets become, the busier we are at work, home. Unreachable for close ones, forgetful of old friends.
- With all this, another thing happens, deficit of time. Why?
- The same is with cars, the faster cars are, the slower we get around the city.
- It’s not a problem of time management, nothing has changed it that department, something is wrong on an entirely different level.
Obsession in science can lead to drastic consequences
- No need to be obsessed with something.
- Not with the notes, not with science, not with work.
- I consider myself scientist, social scientists, whose field of interest lies in pedagogy, knowledge management and note-taking.
- But have I become obsessed with it?
- Yes, and this passion that makes me work more than needed, more that I can sustain.
- Early hours, late classes, no physical practice in the gym, only work.
- I need to slow down, despite building scientific debt, all in due course.
- Do not disregard pleasures of life, joy of reading, walking, writing when you feel like it.
- Find joy in contemplating colors of life.
- Do not aim to surprise the world, just live in it.
- Better to enhance it for science and people, without obsession and excessive passion.
Note-taking and reading for understanding slows you down
- Taking notes from books makes you slower than your peers, but only to a certain level.
- Notes keep you lagging. When your mates are reading a new book every week, you only read a new book every 2 or 3 weeks.
- But it doesn’t mean that their reading is better.
- If you take detailed notes as you’ve read, your recollection of the book much better than of those who didn’t.
- Your tool boxes of ideas become richer with each year, and reading practices become more elaborate.
- [[my note-taking system#^dc5919]]
- Reading also should be paced, not all books are equally readable during different time of the day.
- Mornings are good for serious prose, scientific papers, works of philosophy and math, though I am not good at math.
- Afternoons are great for biographies, historical essays.
- Evenings are great for works of non-fiction.
- Reading routine is a great topic in itself.
- Taleb, for example, reads in accordance with the Lindy principle.
- Books that have passed the trial of time, and still with us.
- Say, 20 or 50 years in publication, [[Antifragile book 6#^f518dc]]
- Different approach is by volume, I read book that are less than 250 page long (without reference and introduction pages), or books that are no less than 500 pages.
- In a book with 250 and fewer pages – information so dense it is pleasure to read.
- In books more than 500 pages, valuable information isn’t stated clearly and demands attention, or there is so much of it the author couldn’t pack it in less than 500 pages.
- No need to become overspecialized over one topic. ^6724c7
- Become a person of many interests, as Lubishev has been.
- [[What is rationality#^550322]]
- He used to be a man of culture, who had read profusely.
- In his constant rotation you could find book on philosophy, biology, classical fiction works.
- He could talk at length about the hidden symbolism of Dante.
- He kept track of any new book releases.
- Become a person of many interests, as Lubishev has been.
- Taleb, for example, reads in accordance with the Lindy principle.
We are surrounded by plans
- As if we on purpose plan life.
- We create plans for vacations, sport game schedules, publication plans, TV guides.
- Wherever you look, you see plans, randomness disappear, unexpected events take place in the back cover of the newspaper.
- Though, the randomness on the global scale has been pursuing us for the past three years.
- Pandemic
- Russia VS West.
- On the local scale, at personal level, there is no need to plan everything. Invite random event into life and enjoy the ride.
- It makes life so much funnier.
- The same applies for note-taking, and goal setting.
- Goals tend to change with time, or under the pressure from external occurrences, that are not influenced by us.
Modern man is a rational man
- Do not constrict yourself with sentiments.
- Be rational person.
- But who is a rational person?
- A man who can get maximum from circumstances, devoid of emotions, honest and decent.
- Granin propose another view, that rational man always juxtaposes a routine person to a scientific person.
- Slavery spirit of a worker vs. high spirit of a scientist.
- Do not be enslaves by the notion that it has been done this way before me, so I will continue doing in the same manner.
- Don’t look where you were shown, look deeper and further.
Scientist of a past day was a thinker
- First thinker, dreamer and then scientist.
- They live a balanced life. Fragile equilibrium between personal science and cultural self.
- Theaters, cinemas, works of fiction, quiet thinking evenings in company of interesting people.
- Look not only ahead but sideways, fate and chance might bring something [[#^6724c7]]
Mendeleev also kept track of his readings and researches
- According to Granin, he kept slip-box cards, where he annotated and mentioned journal titles.
- He also registered cards according to his numerical system.
- p. 86. Need to find more about it, maybe even take a look at his scanned cards.
- Lubishev had the similar approach, that’s why he read slower than his peers.
- [[#Note-taking slows you down your reading routine]].
- Systematization of content is a pleasure in itself, even if it doesn’t lead to something, it’s a good time eater.
- The process of turning chaos into a system requires a special type of thinking.
- Note-taking also begs for it.
- With time, the brain becomes fluent in seeing patterns, and connection.
- [[Seeing patterns in a text is a matter of experience]]
- You start seeing patterns where previously were only fragmented facts.
- System becomes a core element of everything you do.
- This happened to me too, now I can’t imagine myself without the system. Though I doubt that it’s Zettelkasten, already it turned into something new.
Be bold
- Character, it is when you have crucial traits in an excellent proportion.
- Will.
- Imagination.
- Memory.
- Recognition.
- And other attributes. But what are they?
- What else could be counted for a crucial character traits.
- Patience.
- Curiosity.
- Adaptivity.
- Shrewdness.
- Maybe there is something else, but I can’t come up with anything.
- Some people, even the most successful ones, have them in good proportion, but they lack boldness to make certain moves and carelessness to be light on their feet.
- [[What is rationality#^be0bb6]]
Rules of effectiveness from Lubishev
- Aside from accurate time recording system, he created for himself an easy and simple set of rules, which allowed him to be extremely effective.
- Just by looking at it, unintentionally Naval’s and Taleb’s attitude towards wealth comes to mind.
- [[Antifragile book 6#^0e8afd]]
- [[Категории благосостояния]]
- Lubishev generously add to the list.
- No compulsory obligations.
- Don’t do urgent tasks.
- If I am tired, I stop working and rest.
- Sleep a lot, at least 10 hours.
- Combine tiring and pleasant tasks.
The conclusion of a serious argument
- A serious row can be concluded if and only if one side of the argument can restate the opposing opinion with the same conviction it is stated by the opponent.
- And add some reasoning that demonstrates how biased another view is.
- If you find yourself arguing among scientist, do not worry if your opinion is being invalidated.
- Science must be updated.
- It begins with doubt and ends with confidence.