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- I used classical approach from any number of courses.
- We’ve made a list of tasks that we have to do.
- It is a challenge in itself, because children do not know what they need to do.
- Then we moved in circle and looked at task of other people around the table and marked every task that we didn’t understand.
- After a full circle there wasn’t any tasks unmarked.
- No one understood of the tasks of other.
- That means they don’t know what they have to do, only a vague feeling
- Then we tried an searched for triggers that might remind us to do something.
- It turns out that we needed to look carefully because all their triggers revolved around books and copybooks.
- Though they were related to studies all triggers stayed in on basket.
- What we did, is that we detailed the trigger
and divided it into several entities.
- All in all it has been a nice lesson.