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We’ve finished and children didn’t get till the end of the book.
According to them, they are not used to reading such books.
I concur, it’s an unusual read for them.
All their lives they have been reading works of fiction and now non-fiction appeared to be a tough nut.
But we didn’t slow down. Instead of that, we talked a bit about note-taking principles and discussed how to connect notes.
Difficulty arises when you don’t have enough notes. This question disappears as soon as you get enough notes.
What important is that they noticed the importance of daily revision of the notes.
It’s a habit that demands cultivating, it will be one of the habits we will be working with during [[Atomic Habits]] workshop.
As soon as we’ve finished with a short intro and short discussion of [[How to Take Smart Notes]], [[Путь Джедая]] has followed.
Here I wanted to demonstrate how structural notes are working.
But I didn’t succeed. I didn’t plan for decomposition of structure.
When I was thinking, I came up with the notion that first comes decomposition and only then skimming.
I was wrong, first skimming, to get the idea about the book, then decomposition, after I’ve understood problems and solutions provided in there.
Only then comes the second stage.
So the framework requires some revision. Below are my thought on how it could be improved.
First stage, we read the preface if we have it.
We are looking for the problem and possible explanation why it bothers the author.
Second, we read the conclusion.
To understand the solution he came to, through the book.
Is the solutions sound?
Third stage, we get familiar with the structure of the book.
We do it by looking at the table of contents.
Analyzing steps the author is taking to reach the proposed solution.
Do we see the logic? If so, then what is his logic? Can you describe it?
Fourth stage, we mark the most intriguing chapters, or unclear titles.
Choose chapters to read first. Non-fiction books don’t need to be read chronologically.
You can read in any order you like.
Fifth stage, commence reading.
It’s also done in a certain way, it’s not speed reading, it’s selective reading.
We read with one thought in mind, what is the punch line here. Main idea. We have to formulate one main idea after each chapter we’ve read.
To this fast, we skim paragraph after paragraph, skipping examples, reflection. We might want to look into the opinionated statement, but the goal is to look for the reason the chapter has been written.
What are the punch lines of each and every chapter?